Who Are Your Ten People?

Who Are Your Ten People?

Who Are Your Ten People?

I had a great time this week talking with Daymond John, who’s one of the stars of the wildly popular ABC show Shark Tank. (How popular? We’re talking six million viewers per episode.) He’s an amazing person—incredibly successful, and yet totally down-to-earth.

The two of us got together to talk about business fundamentals, and who would have guessed that our conversation would turn to the topic of health? But here’s the bottom line: If you don’t have your health, you’re broke. So if you want to be a success in business, you need to find a way to stay strong and healthy.

When you identify these people, tell your mental doorman to always let them in. And then be friendly… but not friends… with everyone else.  The rewards will be huge: less stress, more energy, more productivity, more success. How ‘bout them apples?

And speaking of apples... this week, I’m serving up my recipe for Apple Pie Smoothie. If you’re a fan of baked apples and yummy holiday spices like nutmeg and cinnamon, you’re gonna love this one! Check it out…

Keep thinking big and living bold!

-Dr. Kellyann