Ben's Transformation Photos

Ben's Success Story - Acid Reflux and Weight Loss

“Basically I used to work out a bunch, but I drank a lot, and didn't eat much better. The heavy drinking was just the beginning to a suicidal period in my life. When that kicked in I shut down, stayed sedentary, and ate my emotions. I knew part of my recovery would involve my physical health as well, but the battle to live that came first, was much more arduous.

My friend told me about your diet and that she thought it would help me with a bunch of stomach problems I'd been having, like acid reflux. I had started reading your book and the promises it held, but wasn't sure I was ready to start yet. But then I realized this same friend's birthday was about 3 weeks away, and I decided it was time to start the next day. I wanted to feel like the book said I would by her birthday, and be closer to my old self again.

In the first 3 weeks I lost 25 lbs and was hooked! I had started at 234 lbs and 38 inch waist, and by her birthday I was 207 lbs, and bought some new 33 inch waist jeans.

I also declared myself over my depression, because I realized I was no longer thinking of the wounds in my past, but instead looking ahead to my future. So when I realized my 37th birthday is going to be about 3 months from my start date, I set the 3 month mark as my 1st cheat day, and 185 (my previous lowest adult weight). Well... I hit that goal three and a half weeks early... :p but I've accepted the diet as a lifestyle.

My cheat day was a good reminder of all the stomach problems that started me eating right. And like my fat, my acid reflux is gone. I stopped taking anything for it day 1 of the diet, and by day 3 my body had righted and my new eating no longer supplied my stomach with all the causes of it's complaints. As I'm about to go back to my routine today, I can't wait to see what the future holds, and still can't believe such amazing results were so easy to get simply by giving my body what it needs.” —Ben

Ben's story is so moving to read. Just a quick word on depression—the hormone imbalances that can occur with a sick, leaky gut can impact your mental health, all the way from moodiness and forgetfulness to clinical depression and more. Your gut is your "second brain" and can control how you feel emotionally. And that's not to mention his amazing weight loss. Ben beat the average weight loss for people who go on the Bone Broth Diet—but not by that much!

The fast, sustainable results from this diet are typical, which is why it has changed so many lives.