Snacking During a Cleanse

Snacking During a Cleanse

Do you cringe when you hear the mention of a cleanse? I bet it conjures up images of clutching your stomach from hunger pains or your fatigued body flopped over on the couch from a severe lack of energy. If that's been your experience with trying to cleanse and reset your body, then you haven’t been doing the right cleanse! You should never feel too sluggish to make it through your day, and you certainly shouldn't feel deprived of food and reaching for snacks that derail your efforts. With my incredible 5-day cleanse, you’ll feel pumped up and satisfied, so snacking won’t even be an issue. That’s right! Your stomach will be fulfilled by the nutritious foods that support your cleanse and reset.


Why Choose to Cleanse and Reset?

Think of all the toxins trapped inside your body. Between the toxins you consume to the environmental toxins all around you, your body is continuously fighting to keep you healthy. Making an effort to cleanse and reset your health is a tremendous help to the natural systems already set in place to keep you going. And when you cleanse and reset with a nutritious 5-day cleanse, you’ll notice incredible changes throughout your body, including:


  • Reduced risk for heart disease
  • Lowered blood sugar and cholesterol
  • Relief from inflammation
  • Improved gut health
  • A decrease in bloating and constipation
  • A healthy, youthful glow to your skin
  • Reduced signs of aging
  • More restful sleep
  • Safe and healthy weight loss
  • Enhanced mood


A 5-Day Cleanse with Results

When you cleanse the right way, your body will transform from the inside out. I'll arm you with the tools and education behind cleansing to help you start and maintain your new healthy lifestyle. The best news is, with my 5-day cleanse, you will begin to see and feel incredible changes from day one!


Choosing a safe and gentle cleanse is vital and a crucial component to restoring your health. My cleanse is designed to repair, renew, and rejuvenate while being so gentle on your system, you can choose to repeat it each month to maintain your new healthy lifestyle.


Cleanses are typically designed to drastically, but temporarily, limit your portions, assign foods you may eat, and liquids you consume. And when you’re cutting back on your daily intake, you need to make your choices count.


Filling your body with foods packed full of essential nutrients is vital during any cleanse.  But when you choose my 5-day cleanse, you’ll enjoy tasty meals that keep you free from hunger, temptations, and a lack of energy.


During my 5-day cleanse, you’ll have access to delicious recipes to enjoy, including:


  • Soups rich in collagen
  • Nutritious shakes
  • Green smoothies


Each day you’ll fill your stomach with these satisfying options and won’t need your usual snack sessions. With the right amount of healthy fats, fiber, and clean protein to fill you up, your stomach won’t even notice the healthier soup, shake, and smoothie cleanse portions.


The Downfall of Snacking

Despite what some diet plans will have you believe, snacking isn’t a wise option while you’re cleansing. Studies have shown that snacking can slow down your cleansing and weight loss progress for several reasons:


  • When you snack, your insulin, and leptin levels continue to spike all day. This can potentially lead to insulin and leptin resistance and result in ADDING on the tummy weight and increasing your cravings. Kind of defeats the purpose of cleansing, right?
  • Snacking is also known to make it more difficult for your body to rid itself of toxins. Take a moment to imagine a wave inside your small intestines. When you fast intermittently, say roughly an hour and a half to two hours, the muscles in your small intestine will create what I like to call the “cleansing wave.” It swoops through your small intestines, pushing out all those dreaded toxins and waste build-up. But if you’ve been snacking throughout the day, your body won't create this cleansing force, and you forfeit the support of the “cleansing wave.”
  • When you snack during a cleanse, you increase your chances of constipation and bloating. And who wants to suffer through that for a snack? Isn’t getting rid of these two culprits part of the purpose behind your cleanse and reset goals in the first place?


“Snacking” on a Green Smoothie Cleanse Popsicle

Now, if you’re still shaking your head, convinced that you must snack, here’s an alternative for you. You’ll have access to an assortment of recipes I share for your successful 5-day cleanse. With options to modify recipes, create your own, or turn them into fun-sized popsicles, you won’t even feel like you’re actually on a 5-day cleanse. Yep, you read that right. You can take any of my fabulous green smoothie cleanse recipes and turn them into a simple, icy treat. You’re still getting your daily fulfillment of nutrient-rich smoothie but in “snack” form. Here’s how simple it is to create a cleanse-worthy “snack:”


  • Choose your favorite smoothie cleanse recipe from my collection
  • Prepare your smoothie
  • Pour your smoothie cleanse contents into popsicle molds and freeze until firm (roughly two hours)


If you prefer a fruity pop over icy greens, give my Orange Blueberry Shake recipe a try. Combine:

  • 1 cup water, coconut milk (not canned), or almond milk (unsweetened and carrageenan-free)
  • 2⁄3 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 packet Dr. Kellyann’s Collagen Cooler in Orange Cream flavor
  • 1⁄3 cup canned full- fat coconut milk

Pour contents into popsicle molds and freeze until firm


These are perfect for post-cleanse as well to help you maintain your amazing results! If you don’t have access to popsicle molds, try using 3 oz paper cups, freezing for approximately 15 or 20 minutes before you insert a wooden popsicle stick. It’s that easy! These little guys will give you the energy boost your body needs, without compromising your cleansing efforts. They keep you satisfied and right on track.


Ready to cleanse and reset your health the right way? Find out how you can get started on your healthy lifestyle goals today.