I Need a Miracle. Can You Help?

I Need a Miracle. Can You Help?

If you know me, you know that it’s really hard for me to ask for help.

But today, I need a miracle—and I’m hoping that you can help.

Right now, my new book—the culmination of my entire life’s work—is within spitting distance of becoming a New York Times bestseller. I can’t tell you how amazing this is for me.

All my life, I’ve loved two things: medicine and writing. I’ve been writing since I was 12, and I’ve been fascinated by medicine even longer than that. And now I have a chance to achieve a dream: making the NYT bestseller list with a book that will make people around the world healthier and happier.

Here’s something else that’s amazing to me. All of the people whose books are ahead of mine are celebrities, and I’m thinking, “Huh? Can this barber’s daughter from Philly actually do this?”

You know what? I believe I can. And if I do, our Bone Broth Revolution is going to change millions of lives. But I can only do it with your help.

Right off the bat, let me say that this is NOT just some ploy. If you’re part of my community, you know about all the crazy stuff that’s happened to me this month:

  • First, there was the truck driver who quit, leaving my second batch of books in the lurch—so after selling out in one hour on Amazon, the book was out of stock for days.
  • Then last week, my son broke his wrist—not just broke it, shattered it. Needless to say, all of my thoughts about my book flew out the window when I found out just how bad it was. He was pretty banged up from head to toe, and underwent hours of surgery. So last week was all about being mom, and this week is the same.
  • Finally—really, universe? Really?—my January appearance on one of the nation’s biggest shows got postponed. That was a real gut blow.

So right now, I’m reeling. But I’m so close to my goal that I can almost touch it. And I did it all authentically—by rolling up my sleeves and traveling around the country, spreading the simple message that transformation is possible. So I’m calling on all the grit I have left in me for one more push.

I’m excited to tell you that the book is already changing lives. I wish you could see the emails I’m getting—1,000 to 1,200 a day. People are losing weight. They’re looking and feeling young again. They’re feeling hopeful for the first time in years.

So after years of hard work, the Bone Broth Revolution is happening! And if I can pull off one more miracle with your help, and make it on the NYT bestseller list, this revolution will reach millions more people who desperately need to get slim and healthy. This isn’t about prestige—it’s about saving lives.

If you’d like to help, here’s how—

  • If you’re considering buying the book, could you buy it this week?
  • If you’ve bought the book and you love it, can you recommend it to your friends and family members who need to lose weight and get healthy?
  • If you’ve read the book, would you consider writing a review on Amazon?

I know this is a huge favor to ask, especially when you’re still coming out of your holiday coma. But if you can help, it will mean the world to me.

As a way of saying “thank you,” I’m offering a coupon for $25 off my professional-quality protein powder—as well as a free colorful recipe booklet with amazing quick and healthy shake recipes—if you can buy a book, tell three friends about the book, or write a review on Amazon.

If you’re able to help me in any of these ways, just send an email to books@drkellyann.wpengine.com and tell us what you did, and you’ll get the special code for the coupon.  The coupon is good until next Saturday, and it’s a huge discount. You’ll love the recipes, too—everything from orange creamsicle shakes to my favorite baked apple shakes. It’s the least I can do for asking you to help me achieve my miracle!

Keep Thinking Big & Living Bold!